Aesthetics Biomedical® (ABM) is the sole and exclusive importer of the Vivace® Microneedle RF device in North America, with current Agreements effective until April 2026. ABM is also the sole owner of the Vivace® and Vivace Experience® brands and trademarkswith use only available with ABM approval. Recently, it has come to our attention, that there are instances where the VirtueRF has been demonstrated and sold as an upgraded Vivace®. Unfortunately, practices are being misinformed with this information as well as malicious and untrue information about ABM. These inappropriate behaviors reflect the flawed values of the company and sales team passing on this information. Please call Aesthetics Biomedical at 1-800-726-5029 if you have been exposed to such behavior, offered a trade-in for the “upgraded Vivace®” and/or if you have questions.