Notice: PLEASE OBTAIN ALL VIVACE ® TRAINING AND ADVICE RELATED TO VIVACE® TREATMENT PARAMETERS FROM AESTHETICS BIOMEDICAL’S (ABM) TRAINING DEPARTMENT. We have replaced Cartessa Aesthetics and, in doing so, discovered that practices might not have been adequately or properly trained by certified Aesthetics Biomedical® corporate trainers. We have further discovered that some Cartessa Aesthetics sales representatives are continuing to advise practitioners on methods for using the Vivace®, that do not meet our most recent clinical protocols and could result in poor patient outcomes. This is important as Cartessa Aesthetics sells a competing RF microneedling device that places them in a conflicted position when advising on the Vivace® Microneedle RF. Aesthetics Biomedical® is the best source for accurate and up to date information.
As you may recall, Aesthetics Biomedical® launched a 3D Approach Clinical Protocol that focused on the use of the 1MHz with an insulated needle, based on data from a comprehensive study performed by Aesthetics Biomedical®. We are excited to say the findings of this study were accepted for publication in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. The title of the publication is “An Evaluation of Electrocoagulation and Thermal Diffusion Following Radiofrequency Microneedling Using an In-Vivo Porcine Skin Model.”
If you have any additional questions regarding optimal Vivace® protocols, please contact our Director of Clinical Training, Christine Vannelli, MSN, MHA, RN, who can be reached via email at or by phone at 602-682-6427. Christine is available to ensure the outstanding training and successful outcomes that have been key to the success of the Vivace®, making it the top RF microneedling treatment among consumers and celebrities for the last four years and running!
We will see you next week as we discuss more clinical education updates and useful treatment techniques. Please feel free to send any questions or comments to
Disclaimer: The Vivace® Guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, medical director, or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. All suggested treatment settings are for suggested use only.